1st Internatioanal Conference on Welding & NDT-2018
1st Internatioanal Conference on Welding & NDT of HSNT & WGI (1st ICWNDT-2018), Greece, October 22-23, 2018, Athens, Greece. The Hellenic Society of NDT (HSNT), National Non Profit Society, Member of EFNDT and ICNDT & THE WELDING GREEK INSTITUTE (WGI), National Non Profit Institute, Member of EWF and IIW are Pleased to Announce their Conference: […]

GNDT EXPO 2018 – Gulf Nondestructive Testing EXPO
Gulf Nondestructive Testing Expo Dubai, ASNT UAE Section, Conrad Dubai, UAE, 25-27 September 2018. This event is organized by ASNT UAE Section. More details…

SPIE Smart Structures NDE 2016
SPIE – The International Society for Optical Engineering, JW Marriott, Las Vegas Resort & Spa, Las Vegas, Nevada, USA, 20–24 March 2016. The conference that is home to energy harvesting, civil infrastructure monitoring, and much more. A unique collaboration between engineers and researchers involved with the applied technologies of advanced materials, smart sensor networks, and […]

ASNT Annual Conference 2015
American Society for Non-destructive Testing, Salt Palace Convention Center, Salt Lake City, Utah, USA, 26 – 29 October 2015. This event is the world’s largest conference for industry professionals, equipment and technology suppliers, engineers, and researchers to exchange information and technologies about nondestructive testing. More details…

NDT in Canada 2015 Conference
Canadian Institute for NDE (CINDE), Edmonton Marriott River Cree Resort; Edmonton, AB Canada, June 15-17, 2015. The Canadian Institute for NDE (CINDE) is a leader in NDT across Canada. We believe in Canadian innovation for global knowledge and provide events and training to support this goal. More details…

NDT of Composites II
American Society for Non-destructive Testing Anaheim CA, USA, May 4-6, 2015. This conference serves to share knowledge and research on existing and developing methods of NDT for composite materials and fabrication techniques.More details…

ASNT 24th Research Symposium 2015
American Society for Non-destructive Testing Anaheim CA, USA, March 16-19, 2015. One of the finest events for the exchange of groundbreaking, trending, and interesting research in the field of nondestructive testing. The event also serves to identify emerging NDE technologies, provide a professional forum for communication, and promote NDE technology transfer among researchers, engineers, inspectors […]